How To Consistently Create Quality Content for Your Brand

Post by 
Lizanne Loots
January 17, 2022
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Most people start to grasp the importance of content marketing, but that doesn’t mean that the task of implementing a content strategy, gets any easier. It’s a big (and daunting) task to consistently produce high-quality content that results in memorable brand recall and high engagement. Most content creators and marketers get to a point where they feel stuck, uninspired, and stressed out.

Luckily, there are ways to ensure that your brand can stay top of mind, with the right content that is relevant to your audience. In this blog post, we reveal 5 secrets that will help your brand to consistently produce quality content that resonates with your audience.

# 1 Relevancy

Being relevant, time-sensitive, and aware of what’s happening is crucial, especially when it comes to content creation. What’s going on in your industry, in the world, and what’s currently trending? How does this affect your brand?

Depending on the social media platforms that your ideal customer use, you can investigate the trending hashtags, look at high engaging social media posts, or see what people read and talk about through industry-related articles and blogs.

#2 Determine your type of content

What type of content are you creating? Is it informative, humoristic, fun, how-to tutorials, reviews? It’s important to keep your audience intrigued by creating various types of content. It will also provide you with content ideas and guidance, for example, if you want to educate your customer on the benefits of your product or service, you need to think about the most effective way to communicate this to your customer. Most people enjoy bite-size content that is easy to consume and remember. How will you be able to do that? Is it through video, animation, carousel, or a static image?

Another thing to consider is that when creating different types of content, you can get multiple creations out of one topic. The type of content you create is a way to spark content ideas!

#3 Google Search Is Your Best Friend

If you don’t know, Google it! But seriously! Google and YouTube can assist you to find the questions your customer searches for.

How? You start typing about a topic or question, and then let Google or YouTube finish your search on your behalf.

When you’re out of ideas, get online and figure out what people are searching for related to that topic. And if this doesn’t spark any ideas you’re excited about, then maybe it’s not a topic worth posting about now?!

#4 User-Generated Content

User-generated content (UGC), is any form of content, such as images, videos, text, and audio, that has been posted by users on online platforms such as social media and wikis. User-generated content serves a dual purpose: it builds trust and credibility, and the user creates the content on your behalf and as a marketer, you can repurpose it. It’s a win-win.

#5 Repurpose Content

Save time, and ensure important messages reach your customer by repurposing content. With the ever-changing social media algorithm and an influx of content streaming in, it’s worth it to repurpose content.

Also, the average person needs to see a brand, ad, or content at least more than once before they can recall or recognize it.

Repurposing content is a smart way to create content consistently.


Do you struggle to constantly think of innovative ideas to capture your audience’s attention?

Creating quality content takes time and effort, but you don’t have to feel stuck or uninspired. Use these 5 tips to help you create meaningfully, and high-engaging content - consistently.

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