How To Find Inspiration Without Copying

Post by 
Lizanne Loots
June 14, 2022
Pink asterisk design on a charcoal background

Get inspired but beware of being a copycat. Yes, we’ve all been there. Stuck. Feeling uninspired. Not getting anywhere with a project or campaign. Procrastinating… 

These days, innovation seems like a relative term. Is anything brand-new? Is a great idea really that great? And is it a new idea or does it transpire from something (or someone) else? As a creative agency, we can relate to you. Setting a gold standard of excellence can leave one feeling like one can always do better. We also get stuck and feel uninspired. But we feel strongly about the fact that even in 2022 it’s possible to be innovative without stealing anyone’s intellectual property. Here are our top tips for when you find yourself stuck in a rut and in need of some inspiration. You can find inspiration without copying. Here are our 5 tips for finding inspiration. 

#1 Inspiration comes from within

We often make the mistake of thinking that inspiration is something that lands on your lap; something that “comes to you”. The truth is that “inspiration” and good ideas are hard and consistent work. It’s constantly challenging yourself and your team. It’s making time to up-skill and learn more about a certain topic. We don’t mean to sound cliché when we quote Les Brown, but: “…you have greatness within you.” That greatness will lead to the best ideas if you do your part and put in the work. 

#2 Use multiple sources of inspiration

It’s so easy to accidentally “steal” an idea. By using multiple sources, you won’t fall into that trap! Don’t be predictable and just ‘Google’ what you’re looking for. Gather multiple sources and create something new out of your findings. Make it your own! Read blogs and articles, create a Pinterest board, speak to people in the industry, browse Behance, and watch YouTube videos. Use multiple resources and then create something brand-new. This way you’ll present yourself from finding one idea and copying that idea to the T. 

#3 Pause – it’s there

Stop. Listen. Pause for a second. Inspiration is all around us. Listen to the ‘everyday sounds’. Look at the things around you. Be present. What do you notice? Most people struggle to be productive if they’re overstimulated, overwhelmed, or experiencing high-stress levels. If you stop and pause for a second, you’ll pay attention to things that you might’ve missed. Do you feel more inspired when you are calm, or do you thrive on chaos and an adrenaline rush to produce your greatest ideas? 

#4 Put heads together

The best ideas come from people who work together. Organize a team brainstorming session. Make it fun. Bring ideas, put heads together, and think outside of the box. Often, brainstorming sessions lead to great ideas, because one idea flows from the other, and the energy levels in a productive session are contagious. 

#5 Give credit where it’s due

There’s nothing wrong with admitting that you’ve gathered information from someone else, but don’t claim it as yours. Whenever you gain inspiration from a specific resource, make sure to give them credit. Always! 


To be honest, we all feel stuck and uninspired sometimes. But being a copycat is wrong and lazy. Instead, go find inspiration and create your own masterpiece. Creative people make the world a better place! It’s possible to find inspiration without copying someone or something else. Don’t be the second-best brand, be the best and set the standard for the rest of the brands to follow suit. If you’re looking for a cutting-edge creative agency that will blow your mind, send us an email at

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